Supply chain has already become one of the most exciting yet challenging career in recent years. To help students and freshers update the latest information and trends on Supply Chain human resources in Asia, we introduce you: Singapore Trip designed by VILAS.

Singapore is recognized as one of the world’s leading Logistics hub, renowned for its world-class port infrastructure, efficient customs, excellent connectivity and great support from Government. Singapore’s Logistics is well poised to capture the growth opportunities in Asia, especially South East Asia.

VILAS believe that the more internationally involved in experience you get, the better equipped you will be with global skills for future career success. That’s why, Singapore Trip is designed for youngsters to boost their energy and explore the latest innovations from one of the most modern Supply chain countries in Asia.


Supply chain has already become one of the most exciting yet challenging career in recent years. To help students and freshers update the latest information and trends on Supply Chain human resources in Asia, we introduce you: Singapore Trip designed by VILAS.

Singapore is recognized as one of the world’s leading Logistics hub renowned for its world-class port infrastructure, efficient customs, excellent connectivity and great support from Government. Singapore’s Logistics industry is well poised to capture the growth opportunities in Asia, especially South East Asia.

VILAS believe that the more internationally involved in experience you get, the better equipped you will be with global skills for future career success. That’s why, Singapore Trip is designed for youngsters to boost their energy and explore the latest innovations from one of the most modern Supply chain countries in Asia.

“Stop Daydreaming and Live your Future Supply Chain Journey”




Represent Singapore Logistics and connect 590 business entities to build a diverse scope of Logistics and ancillary support services for the country. Come to learn about:


• The history of Logistics Management in Singapore


• How functions work together to run the industry seamlessly.


• High technology applied in Logistics system to optimize resources


Also, opportunities to interact with top Singapore professors and experts from SLA.



Top 40 Universities with the Best Logistics and Supply Chain Management in the world (Eduniversal Ratings and Rankings 2017). Let’s join Curtin University Community to experience:


Multicultural Student Cultural Exchange Event


• Share stories, languages, cultures and make new connections along the way.


Industrial Workshop in Logistics and SCM Management


• Learn the latest practices & efficient implementation methods applied by worldwide companies.



Launched by Singapore Prime Minister and Logistics giant YCH Group, The Supply chain City is the house of cutting-edge technologies and innovative infrastructures.


Visit the inventions of Singapore engineers’ latest technology:


  Fusionaris® – Fusion of Automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS)


  Ramp-up Integrated Solution


  Virtual-reality-enabled warehouse simulation and data visualization


Set up by the Singapore Economic Development Board to support the growth of Singapore, Jurong Port is now the world-class multipurpose port operator with:

 Marine Ecosystem with efficient customs, pro-business environment and transparent legal system.

 The world’s largest port-based solar power generation facility

 The world’s first green berths in an effort to reduce total carbon footprint.

Developed by Singapore Government to stay responsive to industry developments and marketplace demand, PSA Port features the latest port complexility:

 World’s Busiest Transhipment Hub – Accounting for almost 1/7 of the world’s total container transhipment throughput & more than 4% of global container throughput.

 One of the World’s Largest Refrigerated Container Ports.

And many more Singapore must-visit site:

• Merlion Park

• Bugis Street

• Orchard Road

• Marina Bay Sand Commercial Center

• Chinatown

Set up by the Singapore Economic Development Board to support the growth of Singapore, Jurong Port is now the world-class multipurpose port operator with:

 Marine Ecosystem with efficient customs, pro-business environment and transparent legal system.

 The world’s largest port-based solar power generation facility

 The world’s first green berths in an effort to reduce total carbon footprint.

Developed by Singapore Government to stay responsive to industry developments and marketplace demand, PSA Port features the latest port innovations and  manage great business complexity:

 World’s Busiest Transhipment Hub – Accounting for 1/7 of the world’s total container transhipment throughput & more than 4% of global container throughput.

 One of the World’s Largest Refrigerated Container Ports – connecting to 600 major ports world-wide

And many more Singapore must-visit site:

• Merlion Park

• Bugis Street

• Orchard Road

• Marina Bay Sand Commercial Center

• Chinatown


Mr. Thomas Sim

• Chairman TDC | Singapore Logistics Association

• Chairman | ASEAN Federation of Forwarders Associations (AFFA)

With the expertise of well-versed lecturing and training in Supply chain cross-functional roles and in different industry sectors, Mr. Thomas Sim will provide you in-depth and comprehensive Logistics knowledge and how Singapore changes itself.

Mr. Dickson Yeo

• Senior Logistics Consultants | Swisslog Automation

Warehouse Management | Jurong Cold Storage

Mr. Yeo had over 30 years experience in managing Logistics operations at various industries. With a passion for warehouse automation includes: robotics, AGVs, ASRS, PowerStore, he will amaze & inspire you with thousands of innovative ideas.

Mr. Goh Lek Chew

• Deputy Project Manager | Swisslog Logistics Automation

• Regional Product Manager | SSI SCHAEFER

Working with Supply Chain excellence & automation for 20 years, Mr. Chew can delivery to  you valuable knowledge on the future of Logistics automation that  transforms warehouses and distribution centers to achieve maximum efficiency.

Mr. Hoan Nguyen

• Master of Logistics and SCM | Curtin Singapore 

• Master of Logistics and SCM | International School of Business  (ISB) 

Mr. Hoan Nguyen will be your best Trip Guider who is not only familiar with geographical & cultural features of Singapore, but also has vast and solid Supply chain knowledge that can well address and solve your concerns.

Mr. Thomas Sim

Mr. Dickson Yeo

Mr. Goh Lek Chew

Mr. Hoan Nguyen

• Chairman TDC | Singapore Logistics Association

• Chairman | ASEAN Federation of Forwarders Associations (AFFA)

With the expertise of well-versed lecturing and training in Supply chain cross-functional roles and in different industry sectors, Mr. Thomas Sim will provide you with in-depth yet comprehensive Logistics knowledge and how Singapore change itself.

• Senior Logistics Consultants | Swisslog Automation

Warehouse Management | Jurong Cold Storage

Mr. Yeo had over 30 years experience in managing Logistics operations at various industries. With a passion for warehouse automation includes: robotics, AGVs, ASRS, PowerStore. He will amaze & inspire you with thousands of innovative ideas.

• Deputy Project Manager | Swisslog Logistics Automation

• Regional Product Manager | SSI SCHAEFER

Working with Supply Chain excellence & automation for 20 years, Mr. Chew can delivery to  you valuable knowledge on the future of Logistics automation that  transforms warehouses and distribution centers to achieve maximum efficiency.

• Master of Logistics and SCM | Curtin Singapore 

• Master of Logistics and SCM | International School of Business  (ISB) 

Mr. Hoan Nguyen will be your best Trip Guider who is not only familiar with geographical & cultural features of Singapore, but also has vast and solid Supply chain knowledge that can well address and solve your concerns.

Learn more about us!!!