Since the introduction of the Value Chain Theory in 1985, the world has begun to develop the concept of Supply Chain while managing and systemizing activities and processes from suppliers to the company and from the company to the end consumer, with the view to achieving the optimization and efficiency. Managers now recognize that competition is no longer between companies, but between the supply chain system – which determines who is the winner of the international trade school. It can be claimed that research and application of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one of the most exciting areas of business management in Vietnam today when almost all the ‘big player’ in the country and the multinational corporations have focused on building their supply chain management systems, creating core competitive advantage.


With our experiences and the series of training programmes on supply chain management, Vietnam Logistics and Aviation School (VILAS) will address the problems of systematizing professional knowledge, providing latest trends, instructing the application of management methods for students. We are proud to contribute to the training of generations of managers in Vietnam, with the beginning of FIATA’s Higher Diploma in Supply Chain Management Programme – Module Foundation of Supply Chain Management.



Đào tạo Quản Trị Mua Hàng Cao Cấp - Procurement Management

Business owners or Directors of small and medium-sized businesses

Đào tạo Quản Trị Mua Hàng Cao Cấp - Procurement Management

Mid-level and senior managemer in supply chain enterprises

Đào tạo Quản Trị Mua Hàng Cao Cấp - Procurement Management

Experienced personnel in the supply chain who want to promoted to a higher position



To distinguish functions, responsibilities and operating specifications of the concept of Logistics and Supply Chain, along with the relationship between Logistics and other important functions areas in an organization, including manufacturing, sales and marketing;

To comprehends Supply Chain Operations strategies for different business model and product. To understand the major challenges and issues facing organizations developing and implementing supply chain strategies;

To understand the trade-offs between cost and value of services; and how does a good Supply Chain operate through the concept of Supply Chain Collaboration as well as implementing Customer Relationship Management;


To update trends, development of supply chain models in the world, including the impact of E-commerce, from which to share experiences to develop quality management capabilities, assess the potential and risk of each functional department in the chain, thereby shaping appropriate operational strategies.



Chapter 1: Supply Chain Management – Concept & Application

 Supply Chain Management Concept

 Components of Supply Chain

 Strategic alliances in Supply Chain

Chapter 2: Crafting Business And Supply Chain Strategies

 Defining Business Strategy

 Crafting the Supply Chain Strategy

 Supply Chain Strategy and Risk Management

Chapter 3: Supply Chain Operations

Planning: Demand, Supply, Inventory, Production


 The importance of Import-Export and International Compliance


Chapter 4: Supply Chain Performance And Improvement

 Service factor in Supply Chain

 Customer relationship management (CRM)

 KPIs in Supply Chain Management

 Concept of Improvement in SCM



Training schedule:  Every Saturday from 2PM to 5PM, Every Sunday from 9AM to 12PM and from 2PM to 5PM

Chứng nhận:  Certificate of completion of the course “Foundation of Supply Chain Management” issued by VILAS.

* Participants may continue to study the remaining 9 modules of the FIATA Higher Diploma in Supply Chain Management to obtain FIATA certification – the standard of a Professional Supply Chain Manager of the Federation of Freight Forwarders International Transportation FIATA (, valued Internationally and indefinitely.




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